Sunday, February 7, 2010

If I Kiss Someone With Hiv Can I Get Pityriasis Rosea Can I Get An STD Or HIV From Kissing Someone Whos Had Unprotected Sex?

Can i get an STD or HIV from kissing someone whos had unprotected sex? - if i kiss someone with hiv can i get pityriasis rosea

I was friends with a girl over a longer period, and soon feelings for her, she has had unprotected sex and I wonder if you can be an STD or HIV through kissing, or in my case to get her, what with her daughter ?


LINDSEY S said...

If you have no sores in the mouth or STD / STI in your throat, then you should be OK to kiss him. It is very common, but may have an STD / STI in the mouth or throat. If you could.
Cold sores are more likely to have HIV and then simply go to kiss someone with an outbreak when they kissed him.
If she knew that her ex-partner does not have an STD / STI, there would be an STD / STI, even if unprotected sex.

blame it on the a-a-alcohol baby said...

DARE Program damn ugh!

1. the chances of his friend with STDs, especially so seriously, like HIV, it is extremely unlikely. And after contracting the disease (s) was not there in the first place is even more unlikely.

Hazel said...

If the inside of the mouth and open wounds that have contact with open wounds, but the HIV (if you are infected with HIV is that). I am sure that some sexually transmitted diseases also enter through open wounds.

Samuel said...

Unlikely, if you are sores in the mouth or around the mouth, contact with blood, you can contract sexually transmitted diseases, but unlikely, unless you have sores.

Siroonig said...

depends on whether they had oral sex with someone who has HIV or a sexually transmitted disease or that he is HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, or themselves. Most transfers occur through blood or semen. I am sure you are well!

Such a Kitten. MEOW =] said...

can not be transmitted through blood or sex. And if she was bleeding, so he will. but otherwise its fine.

Dangyo said...

Yes, if the mouth or bleeding gums. But the really unlikely. I think

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