Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rev, Emmanuel Jimmy Is Obama Intentionally A One Term President?

Is Obama Intentionally a One Term President? - rev, emmanuel jimmy

Conventional wisdom says that Obama is a political newcomer in the campaign strategy is poured, but it seems a big mistake after the other, or shrimp ..... ARE YOU REALLY?

His friendships with prominent radical and controversial stand wrong, "said Bill Ayers, Rahm Emanuel, now the Communist Van Jones simply reserve all the errors and mistakes!
This is to have its actions as president alienated, rather than to bring our friends and allies, France, Israel and Russia.
His "Palling up" and make Nice with world dictators, mullahs, Iran and ill, Castro and Hugo Chávez, etc.
All guaranteed to piss Meso-America! ... Or, to forever change America and the United States strongly expressed, Kicking and Screaming, left, althoughs no chance of re-election!
They are really bad or is selected to calculate the route with a requirement radical socialist ?????

What do you think of America?
Please share your thoughts at any time, at any time, if desired. And remember, keep your answers short and sweet here in the region of spin No!


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